NY:<p>书一:</p> <p> <br /> </p> <div>Homo Deus : A Brief History of Tomorrow (扮演上帝,未来简史) (价格约150元,一本免费赠送)</div> <div> <br /> </div> <div>"Homo Deus will shock you. It will entertain you. Above all, it will make you think in ways you had not thought before." (Daniel Kahneman, author of Thinking Fast, and Slow). Yuval Noah Harari, author of the bestselling Sapiens: A Brief History of Humankind, envisions a not-too-distant world in which we face a new set of challenges. In Homo Deus, he examines our future with his trademark blend of science, history, philosophy and every discipline in between. Homo Deus explores the projects, dreams and nightmares that will shape the twenty-first century - from overcoming death to creating artificial life. It asks the fundamental questions: Where do we go from here? And how will we protect this fragile world from our own destructive powers? This is the next stage of evolution. This is Homo Deus. War is obsolete. You are more likely to commit suicide than be killed in conflict. Famine is disappearing. You are at more risk of obesity than starvation. Death is just a technical problem. Equality is out - but immortality is in. What does our future hold?</div> <p>中文介绍:</p> <div>《人類大歷史:從野獸到扮演上帝》作者哈拉瑞(Yuval Noah Harari)最新力作。處理20世紀之前人類從未遇到過的歷史問題,諸如:肥胖、老齡與自殺,是一本你一定要看的未來學著作。</div> <div> <br /> </div> <div>「Yuval Noah Harari是目前最具娛樂性與引發思考的非小說作家。在Homo Deus這本書中,他處理了廣泛的議題,觸及了從禪宗到二戰再到蝙蝠如何解讀回音的頻率,探索了最困難甚至最讓人驚駭的主題,即我們的未來等各個層面。讀完這本書,你會覺得比讀完《人類大歷史》之後要更加睿智,且一路讀來不會覺得有任何困難。我愛這本書。」</div> <div>-- 《突然變成一隻貓》、《我在地球的日子》作者/Matt Haig</div> <div> <br /> </div> <div>Homo Deus 探索了即將形塑21世紀的各項計畫、理想與夢魘,從克服死亡到創造人工智慧生活。他提出了許多根本的問題:人類將走向何處?我們將如何保護這個脆弱的世界,免於人類毀滅的力量?這就是演化的下一個階段,這就是Homo Deus的預言:</div> <div> <br /> </div> <div>戰爭是過時的,因為比起在衝突中死亡,人類更可能因自殺身亡。</div> <div>飢荒正在消失,因為肥胖比飢餓是我們所面臨的更大危機。</div> <div>死亡只是技術問題,公平與否已不再重要,永生才是真正的問題。</div> <div> <br /> </div> <div> <br /> </div>